Thursday, May 5, 2011


TALON. Tactical Analysis and Large Ordinance Node. That was the name of the AI that gazed upon Agent Richard Washington as he looked up at the metalic disk containing the machine's eye. He looked back to his datapad, scrolling through a list of documents until he found the one he sought.

He paced around the room, "Talon," He began, making his way around the circular room as the mechanical eye traced him with it's blue light, "What is your programmed mission?"

The light kept upon him as it answered in a deep, monotone voice, "This unit's designated mission: Lead Directorate forces to combat Confederate rebels."

Washington scrolled down a bit on the tablet, "Yes, that's what it says. Good. Do you have any secret orders? An agenda?"

"Material classified under Security Level Rho, Mars Convention 2145"

"I have clearance. What is your agenda?" He stopped as he leaned against the railing keeping the two out of physical contact. The machine stared at him with it's wide, blue eye.

"This unit's designated agenda: To safeguard the entity known as the Directorate from its enemies. Ensure survival against it's termination."

"And what do you have clearance to control?" He asked.

"Directorate units includeAntares 2nd Battlegroup, 3rd Battlegroup, and 5th Battlegroup."

Agent Washington cocked his head, "What happened to Battlegroups one and four?"

"Subject battlegroups terminated by Confederate forces on March 5th, 2227, and 2231. Antares 1st Battleground overwhelmed over the planet Newart by large Confederate force led by Confederate General John S. Bolte. Termination prior to unit activation."

"And the 4th Battlegroup?" He inquired.

"Antares 4th Battlegroup engaged Confederate forces over planet Regada, Grids A5 and E7. Skirmish in Grid K17 resulted in destruction of Confederate forces, and loss of Directorate forces in sun's gravitational field. Battlegroup officially desolved on August 26th, 2230, one year prior to unit activation."

"Interesting. But I'm curious, Talon, had you been online and present in the system, how you might have changed the outcome. What do you predict?"

"Unit declares 98% chance of Directorate victory within Antares system." The eye's shining light burned intensely, making it nearly impossible to see the AI he spoke to.

"And what about the 2% remaining? Is that a failure?"

"Remaining 2% is unclear. Unforseen events may occur."

"Interesting," he turned away, rubbing his eyes as if to clear the light from his vision. He looked back at the tablet he held, "I believe that will be all for today's session, Talon. But I do have something I'd like for you to do for me."

The AI watched him, waiting expectantly for further orders. Washington returned to his spot at the railing, "What would you do in a scenario, if the Confederates unveiled a new weapon, a ship, that dwarfed anything the Directorate owned, both in size and firepower? How would you go about dealing with it?" The machine's eye remained on him as the seconds ticked by. Agent Washington glanced at his watch. Fifthteen seconds had gone by. He looked at the AI before returning his gaze to his watch. Twenty seconds.

Finally, the AI twitched, "Course of action undetermined. Analysis of enemy unit required."

Washington grunted, marking it down ont he tablet, "Thank you for your time, Talon," He straightened himself, "I will return next week for another session," He began to walk towards the door when he paused, "About the ship. I'd like you to think about it. You can answer the question upon my return. Ok?" He turned for the door.

The AI did not respond as the agent made for the door, pressing a button as he passed through. A large blast door rolled into place and locked itself shut with a series of clicks, sealing the AI mainframe within the room. With the AI alone in the dark, it turned away from the door to ponder the agent's scenario.